Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dcember love!

Hi All!

I'm an irresponsible person towards my blog I know sigh!
But it's December! It's a month full of love and joy!
Don't you just love December?

It's the last month of the year-- means you will have a new year, with new annual leaves, new salary (perhaps) and more public holidays which falls on SUNDAY! (you know what I mean =)

I enter to this company also on December 2009. So it's been 1 year now!
I like my job, like my colleague, and it's been a fruitful year for myself.
I always glad that I didn't have much bad experience in my work place, unlike many of my friends, undergoing unfair treatment from colleague, overstressed and OT all the time. I'm glad that I have a very reasonable superior, and colleague are kind to me.
What else can I ask for a workplace freshie? (more salary can?)

But one sad thing to conclude my year 2010.
My manager is leaving.
Mei Kuan has been very kind to us, since the day I start working here.
I learn a lot from her, and very impressed she can always have a conclusion in the shortest time, when I'm still scratching my head for an answer.
She is a decision maker, wise leader and kind person.

She's a very young lady, but she is able to lead the whole department, and continuously come out with new thing to wow us.
She have a young mind for sure, younger than me I suspect (my mental age 30). Sometimes I feel that she's very close to us, more like our age, a youngster. Fun and charismatic =)

It's the most regretful event to conclude this year.
But I thank her for giving me opportunity to learn more new things, know more about this industry. In the future I will be like my mentor, caliber and kind, caring and wise at the same time.

More parties lining up!
Where is yours?

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