Friday, May 3, 2013


这是一个自由的国度,大家都有选择权。 可是并不是大家都有良知,有良心。

不管你是支持哪个帮派,投票,是为了下一代。 我们的下一代什么时候变成孟加拉?你还不如去动物园训练猩猩比较划算?


在周遭看到这群可怜,甘愿被主宰一辈子的可怜虫, 我有一些问题给你:

1) 你的爸爸,妈妈,妹妹,姐姐,弟弟,朋友,同学, 同事, 有哪个曾经被打枪,抢劫,路霸欺压,晚上回家担惊受怕, 把包包藏在车座地下? 不要告诉我没有,除非你什么亲人朋友都没有,那么我更可怜你。

2)当你看到你辛苦赚来的钱,不是用来发展国家,不能扶贫积弱,不能废除大道收费,不能自给自足,不能提高生活水平,不能居者有其屋,而是看到某螺丝手上的钻戒比鹌鹑蛋还大,她手上的伯金包比你的车还贵; 不要告诉我你很爽。她没有很美,很难爽的。

3) 想象如果你的下一代和孟加拉人交配,无端端孟加拉人变成第四大种族,那你就去投你神圣的一票。

4) 如果有一天,你的丈夫被带去廉政协助调查,然后死掉了。 孩子还在肚子里还没有来得及见爸爸,结婚也计划好了,最给力的是没有人还你一个公道,就算全世界都知道是他给人dui lam, 可是死死警察/政府/媒体还是告诉你是自杀,无语问苍天,你还有恻隐之心嘛?


Imagine I know people who are totally ignorance about the country's election.
How can someone be so ignorance?

How can the safety of the children and the relatives, the wife not concerning them? Crime? Lynas? Corruption? The next generation's education?

How can this not affecting them?

And another one is telling me bullshit about how problematic to make a change. I don't care who you vote for, but human who don't even bother to exercise their rights? You don't earn my respect as a human.

Unless you surrender your citizenship. I shut up and leave.

I have to admit, I'm not a politics follower, I don't even know who's my area's candidate. But people like me, is like thousands of you out there. You know something is terribly wrong, you know there's a lot of injustice and anger, and there's nothing you can do.

Now you can do a least part as a human, so do it.

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