Szetoo is so happy and satisfy with her life with her guardian angel, the sparks from her face can't hide the joy she's enjoying. She have everything a girl wanted for life; a soul mate, career, love, family...
I'm so glad she can be what she is today, she totally deserve a life like this. I feel so good for her :)
Somehow she is motivating me to get a life like this! What else can be better when you love your job, not tiring doing it everyday, and the most important thing is working hard with the person that you won't tired of seeing for the rest of your life!

This is what I can do by not blogging with my own computer...curi from FB. Courtesy of wx.
Mun Yi has been moody for weeks. She's a cute girl whom I always adore her. She used to be so cheerful, so happy and energetic. Reading her blog is totally different mood from who she used to be. Family problems and jobs problems bothering her I guess. Didn't know much about the details, but I really hope her problem can be solved and be happy again. She is such a sweet girl, doesn't deserve to go through all these pain. I probably won't understand how much pain she gone through, and I'm not going to say 'I know...', because only she knows. We were trying to support her, trying to cheer her up, but just don't know how.

Again, curi from FB. This is how lazy I am.
I think all of us have moody days, one of those days that you don't feel like talking or seeing anyone. The mood just worsen by digging a hole and bury yourself in sadness. The most recent time i felt like this was the time i get my LJMU result, sucks. Every time anyone mentioned about this I'll just feel like run away or just bang myself hard on the wall.
But hey...I can't do anything to make things up, regret is the only thing I can do to compensate myself, and perhaps earn more $$ in the future to pay my parents back.
But my problem is NOTHING compare to Mun Yi. She is ok to be sad, emotions and feelings needed to let go, or else like what I said, bury yourself in your own sadness doesn't do any good.
Cheer up Mun Yi! I know it's hard...and I don't even know 'how' hard it is, but we are here to support you. Do whatever you feel right, and don't give up on life! You were one of the most passionate person I ever met, don't let this spirit die!
I went to interview this afternoon. Didn't think of sending resume and interviewing so soon. But this is a job that I really want, perhaps I adore the energy and spirit of a young company has. I met the founder of the company, I think he's 24 years old. A very young but charismatic person. Though I might not get the job, but I glad I tried.
Working for bread is not easy, I guess for us nothing can beat loving what you doing. But sadly most of the people is doing what they needed to, and wait for payroll at the end of month. But well, this is a realistic society, it's ok if the figure on the cheque can pay all the bills and still able to afford a sushi fest once in a while...I mean, sushi in supermarket, you know...half price Isetan sushi =.=
I want to make a million!!!
I'm so looking forward to next Tuesday yay!